Sunday, December 5, 2010

Imagine: Time.

Tossing and turning can't sleep.

A thought enters my mind, what if I could actually turn back time and go to whenever, 10, 15, 20 yrs ago. Just to start somewhat over knowing some of the things I know today. HMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't that be great? An awesome thing that would be. Time, what a concept. Anyway thinking that I would like to go back so I could rearrange my life, there were other thoughts that arose. Imagine that.
Going back in time to rearrange my life to make it better would have a great effect on everyone I've meant up to this point in my life. If I went back to change it for what I think would be better, it may turn out that it wasn’t better. We really never know how we influence people, whether it is for good or bad. Hopefully always for good.
Thinking about going back and starting over is a grand ideal, however, would it be worth it. If we decided to go back say 20-30 yrs or maybe a bit less and take with us what we know now, and change it, what would the outcome be??? HMNMN!! Good question! We may end up with not having the children or grandchildren that we have. The close friends, the great home, or for that matter a roof over our heads. If we were able to go back and change just a bit those we thought would be beneficial, we might actually end up homeless, or in a war that we never thought would happen.
Although we don't realize it at the time our lives affect many people, whether it's long term or short, that we know them. Just walking down the street and saying hello, hi, or nodding your head in recognition to a stranger or even just a smile makes a difference. That person that you acknowledged just might have been having a really bad day and you just recognizing them probably lifted their spirit, even if it was just a little.
The people we come in contact with, whether at the bus stop, grocery store, walking or where ever we are suppose to encounter. We've all had many friends over the year and lost contact with many of them and made new ones. We need to cherish all the memories and we need to make new memories.
We make a difference in peoples’ lives and they make a difference in ours whether good or not we need to always cherish that and learn from it.
Life is good, life is great and we always need to keep exploring, learning and growing.

Thanks for stopping by. Comments are always welcomed

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