Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just for Fun, things we wonder about.


Sometimes we just wonder about things and what is meant by something.  Let’s go with this one for now what the difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny.  Or mostly sunny or mostly cloudy, so what’s the difference between the two.   Well, it seems to me as though they could be interchangeable.  Well this is one answer I found on the web.  Works for me, here’s the link.
It does seem as though some are interchangeable.   You’re thoughts on this.

Next subject below.  Bar and grill or grill and bar.  Hmmm.

Bar & Grill.

So what do you think the difference is between a bar and grill and a grill and bar?  I never thought about this much till I passed by both the other day.  One was a bar and grill, the other was a grill and bar.   Well this is my thought on it:  a bar and grill is mainly a bar that also offers some food, say fish hamburgers and maybe a few other items.   A grill and bar on the other hand has a full menu and offers drinks, where you can sit at a bar or table.  I couldn't find any links that answered this so I'm leaving it up to you to respond.  What is your take on it?  Do I have it right or are you thoughts different?

As always comments welcomed.  Also suggestions for my next blog would be great.  Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.  If you enjoyed this please share with a friend or two.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Absent, and affiliate marketing.

Well I haven't been here for awhile.  I guess it's time for me to get back on track and start posting again.  I haven't had internet access for awhile so I've let my blogging go.

Still trying to get this affiliate marketing stuff figured out.  I read all sorts of things on it, however everyone that says they'll show you how charge for their service.  Affiliate marketing can be done for free, it's just figuring out how to do it and actually make a profit at it.

I know there are several sites out there to advertise for free on to sell stuff and promote other products.  I guess I just need to get busy and start doing it.  I've also read that you should have your own web pages regarding the product or service you want to promote.  I'm just not sure I want to deal with building a bunch of different web pages.

There are different sites that can be joined to submit your writing on, I belong to some of these and have posted on some occasionally.  The problem with me however is I have a bit of a tendency to get lazy and not write.  I get a lot of great ideas on things to write about, I just haven't been doing it.

Guess it's time for me to get busy writing again.  Thanks for stopping by.

Writing Jobs.