Friday, September 23, 2011

Just some thoughts

Well right now I'm just trying to understand my siblings here.   I hear different things from different people (siplings).  They say that they would tell the other what they have told me, but I don't think they do.  The reason for that is because of other things I hear from them.

Ok then this is confusing as all heck.   I have to come to my own conclusions.   I have somewhat of a conclusion as to how they think of each other and it seems to me that they don't really like each other.   I'm sure it's for reasons of their own.

I have also realize that each of them thinks the other is self centered.   Aren't we all just a little bit.  Or at least we have got to look out for ourselves and rely on God to take care of us.

With all that being said, look to God and rely on Him and forget about the rest.   Just remember this: "Your siblings love you they just really don't know and they are trying to learn."   This goes for friends also.

Well I'm just going to end this for now and write more at a later time, my brain is not working properly right now.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life goes on.

June 22
To Dad
Hello again folks,

Obviously I'm in the mood for writing today.   Well this is something that I wrote over 10 yrs ago when my daddy died.  Unfortunately I couldn't find the final version, I know it's here somewhere.  With that being said I hope you enjoy the poem that I wrote.     Well here we go, and as always comment are greatly appreciated.
 My Poem for Daddy,    (Life goes on)
 Sitting here feeling the cold autumn wind blow through my hair. it sends a chill down my spine as I look over the lake and listen to the quiet around me.  The setting sun, intense rays, reflect boldly off the water’s surface.  It is blinding but the warmth is soothing.
 The lake is full of Mallards and an occasional seagull flies by.  I sit quietly and listen as I gaze upon the trees that surround the lake with their brilliant colors of autumn.   Scarlett, burning orange, glowing yellow, while shades of amber, copper & pale orange peek through.  The dark forest green of the fir trees give a soft touch to the brilliance that surrounds them.
 I gaze at the beauty that surrounds me with all its brilliance and know that in just a short while it will all be gone.  Soon the trees will be bare and the gray appearance of death will take over except for the few evergreens that stand by and weep for their loss.
 I sit and listen; I can hear the trees weep.  They thought the others would always be with them, but the time had come for the older trees to depart.
 The evergreens watched in wonder as the others started to change from their luscious green to the brilliant colors of yellow, red, orange, shades of amber, gold and a hint of gray.  Never knowing what it meant, nor understanding, for they were always green.  This was new to them.
 Then another change began to take place, this change frightened the evergreens for among their own kind when the leaves turned brown and started to tall it meant certain death.  Death and sorrow now surrounded them.  This was something that few had ever seen.  They were at a loss as to what to do, how could they help, how could they stop it.  There was nothing that could be done and they bowed their heads in sorrow.
 All the trees were now bare and the color of grey ash, they had gone to sleep for the winter.  The evergreens did not know and they wept.  They wept tears of sorrow and of joy.  Sad they lost their fellow trees and for the love of the new ones. And that they were no longer suffering the pains of winter.  For they realized that in dying there is new life: a life full of wonder and great expectations.  Life just waiting to be lived and enjoyed no matter what happens.  ©
 Enjoy your day and live life to the fullest as we all should or at least strive to.

Whose your hero.

 I just wanted to share this with you.  It's something I wrote awhile ago regarding my Mom.
 My hero is my mother; she has always been an inspiration to me. She was the one person in the neighborhood that was willing to give the shirt off her back to help someone. She never turned anyone away that was in need. She was always there for whoever needed her. I wish I was more like her!
 I remember one time our house caught on fire (I was very young at the time).  How scary is that!  Well to make a long story short, the fire was put out and we were not displaced.   However none of our neighbors came to help.  It was a cold wintry night and we (my sisters and brothers)  were sitting in a car with no heat and blankets wrapped around us.   I could see the neighbors peaking out their windows wanting to know what was going on.   Did any of them help or bring us in out of the cold???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     NO they did not!!!!!!!   
 Imagine that!.
 The one that would've helped could not as her house was also in danger of exploding for it was a gas leak and her house was up close to ours, she did however make sure we (the kids) had enough blankets to keep us warm.  I noticed that she glanced up at the neighbors peering out their windows in discuss.
 Moving forward
 Well, just a block over from us there was another fire!!!!!!     HHHHMMMMM!   Do ya think anyone went over??????????
WELL GUESS what!! My MOM did!!!!  She walked down to see what she could do to help.    She offered coffee, hot chocolate, tea, to the firefighters (who said weren't we just at your place?) and offered a place to stay for the folks whose place was on fire.
Yes the firefighters were just at our place and yes they were amazed that my mother was there to help, because no one, absolutely no one was there to help mom or her family.
 Regardless of that my mother was there to give assistance anyway she could, no matter what.  She didn't care that no one came to help her and her family, she didn't hold a grudge nor did she judge. 
  Mom always did what was right, honest, truthful and everything else good.  No questions asked, she did what needed to be done and was always there if anyone, I REPEAT anyone needed her.  It didn't matter to her if they were friend or foe, if you needed help, she was always there!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don't know how she did it, but she did.  She was always there for family, friends and foes.
IMAGINE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I want to be that person, who has no discriminations, what so ever! And loves no matter what!
 I love you MOM!!!!!!!!!!!     You are the sunshine, rainbow and strength of my life.   Thank you for everything
 I hope you enjoyed reading this true life event. ©   All items posted are copy write so you may not use them without permission.