Monday, July 23, 2012

Everybody Loves.

Everybody loves a lot of different people.  They don't love some more than others, the love is just different for each one.  You love your parents, your children, your friends etc.  You love them all the same, however the love you have for each one is different for each one.

The love you have for your parents includes respect, honor and trust, for your children it's nurturing, discipline, and play time.  You love your son for being your son, and your daughter for being your daughter, not one more than the other, just different for they are different.

 For each one of your friends, it's different for each one, some you go out and have a good time with, some you share your secrets with, some you are able to talk with on just about anything.  If you are in a relationship do not expect that person to love you the same way they did with someone they were with previously, it will not happen.  It doesn't mean that they love you any less or more, it means the love they have for you is different because you are a different person.  The love they have for you is for you alone, so why would you want them to love you the way they have loved someone else.  If they did that love would not be solely yours.

It is not a good idea to wish that someone love you the way they loved someone else, because if they loved you like that, they would be thinking of the other person and wanting to be with them.  Love and be loved with the uniqueness for each individual that comes into your life.  Do not try to love someone the way you loved someone else it will never work.

Always remember that everyone is different and unique and therefor we all love everyone in our lives in a different and unique way, not more not less, just different.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The trip home

My sister and I left about 6:30 am to take me to the bus stop to go back to the burgh.  According to the website we should be there about an hour early so I could check in my bags.  We arrived about 7:00 am and the station was still closed.  Sign said it wouldn't open till 8:00 am, my bus was due to leave at 8:05 am.

A little clarification here: it wasn't an actual Greyhound station it was a thrift store with an outpost that sold tickets and the bus stopped there.  Well the gentleman that operated the place got there about 7:40 am and opened up.  There were a few other people there also.  We all checked in said our good byes to family and friends and boarded the bus.  I told my sister before I got on not to weep. (She's a weeper)  She said she would, but she probably did.

There weren't many people on the bus so unless you were traveling with someone you got to sit by yourself.  That was nice.  I had two bags that I carried on with me and two large suitcases with wheels that I checked in.  Well, come to find out Greyhound does not transfer your bags for you when you have to change buses.  To say the least it was quite interesting when I had to transfer from one bus to the next.
Not only did I have the two carry on's, I had the two wheeled suit cases to drag behind me.  My computer bag I was able to strap to the top of one of the wheeled cases and the other had a long shoulder strap that I was able to put across my shoulders.  The folks at Greyhound were not very helpful, I actually had to ask one of them to open the door for me.  I'm guessing they thought I had a 3rd arm or something.  The only city where one of the workers actually asked and assisted me was here in Pittsburgh.  WOW!  Imagine that.

Well all in all it was a pleasant trip and I meant a few interesting people and saw even more.  As we traveled on the bus eventually got full and everyone was seated next to someone.  A few of us that remained on the same bus or transferred together to another bus chatted while we waited to board the next bus.  I dozed off and on most of the way.

At one point our bus had to turn around and go back because it kept shutting down, fortunately we weren't that far from the station so it didn't put us to far behind.  Then the bus that we were transferred was like walking into a sauna.  It obviously was not used for awhile and had been sitting in the garage.  Everyone thought the air wasn't working however I could feel it slightly.  It would take awhile for a vehicle that large to cool down.  The driver pulled over and opened the emergency hatches in the roof, which cooled it down pretty quickly.  He closed them after we got to our next stop.  It amazes me how people complain and grumble.  I was quite content that it wasn't freezing in there.  I am glad I took a sweater with me because some of the buses were a bit colder than I would've liked, but then that's what sweaters and sweatshirts are for.

At one point we rain into some rain, it was coming down pretty hard and I was blessed to be sitting by a window that leaked.  It wasn't leaking that bad and I just got hit by a few drops.  We finally drove out of the rain, I was thankful for that, because I wasn't sure how long it would be before the rain started coming in harder and there wasn't an empty seat for me to move to. Even though I was planning to tell the bus driver about the leak when we got to our next destination I forgot.   Oops.

I did take some pictures along the way.  You can view them on my photo blog just click here.