Well according to the Myan calander the world will end tomorrow. Oh that is so exciting.
Throughout my journy here on this earth the world has been suppose to end several times. It amazes me that people will put a date on when it will end, when God clearly states that no man know the time or day.
The world was also suppose to end New Years day 2000, well here we are close to 13 years later. Imagine that.
So since the world will end tomorrow I just want to say I've enjoyed my time here and meeting all the people during my stay, it's been a hoot. I learned a lot, loved a lot and had a ton of fun. So I just want to say hope you're ready to meet your maker tomorrow. I am.
So I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I plan on posting again after the first of the year, maybe sooner.
Oh by way we all know that the world will end someday and everyday the world ends for someone.
Enjoy the ride. Live life as if today is your last day, plan as though you had forever.
Till next time folks.